Thursday, August 6, 2009
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Friday, July 31, 2009
Erik payne: A father, a hero.

It's messy, but it feels better: July's period

Thursday, July 30, 2009
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Kitchen counters: able storage or waste of square-footage?

You remember that band Andrew W.K.? You know, this one? Well the lead guitarist of that band, who can be seen at 2:25 in this video (and various other times in the video smacking himself in the face with a pillow) has recently discovered our house, and likes to hang out there, a lot. Stay tuned to see what kind of things Erik Payne likes to do...
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Pizza roll challenge, or puke party surprise?

If you haven't checked again, the end of "Independence night Part 2" has been updated with some marvelous mugshots worth checking out. While your at it, there's some heated debate in the comment section (recently relabeled "The Viper Pit") of last post that's worth while too...Go BoNgRiPpEr420!
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Independence day night: part 1

Indepencence day night: part 2, the defeat

Tuesday, June 30, 2009
It's that time of the month again.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Dodger Mcshadow 1987-2009.
The Dodge Shadow won't be entertaining the children anymore. She won't house our trash and she won't tell tales of late night sunrises. And though her spot in the yard may be empty now, our eyes are filled with tears in place. The Shadow, you see, was a massive metal giving tree. She gave and gave all she could until there was nothing left, and when there was nothing, she still stayed for the show. The Shadow is now gone, as her name, in the shadows. As Kahil Gibran once said; For what is to die, but to stand in the sun and melt into the win? And when the earth has claimed our limbs, it is only then that we shall truly dance.
Rust in peace.

Monday, June 22, 2009
Look ma! in the dirt!
Friday, June 19, 2009
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Hey you... no peter play on the porch.

Moving along, what do you get when you cross 5am with an uncalled for slap across the face? Why it's the late night body slam challenge! Let's go to the judges...and it's a ten!
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Lakers suck on turtle-heading pieces o poop.

Thursday, June 4, 2009
Rock steady: snorting viagra for breakfast

Saturday, May 30, 2009
Whatever floats your boat: May's B-roll.

It's a pleasure to introduce the first of our monthly b-roll feature. The b-roll will appear at beginning of every month and will contain photo's of events from the previous month that may not have shown up on the main page. A good solution for would-be forgotten masterpieces.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
"Now I've got piss on my leg..."

Last week's titty contest went off well and a special thanks goes to Rob Sawyer of Leesburg, VA, for the winners you see below, enjoy your tee Roberto, don't tell mom how you got it...

Tuesday, May 19, 2009
I eat cake like everyday's my birthday.
Entries go to Hereforkicks@gmail.com

Sunday, May 17, 2009
Beer nuts? Yes pleaseeoooh my no!

Friday, May 15, 2009
Titties and beer: Thank God I ain't queer.

Not that there's anything wrong with handlebar mustaches and assless chaps. Gay's in anyways, it's all fine and dandy. Naked is naked... which brings us to our next topic: don't take camera-phone nudes. They'll get into the hands of the wrong assholes...
Monday, May 11, 2009
Man: time traveling since 6000 B.C.

shotgun beer=no wait.
Here's one to add to the video archive, enjoy.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Cosmo Kramer: he does exist...

First today, apologies for the nuisance of a content warning screen: we've a tattletale among us. Apparently someone didn't like last weeks' update and tried to have our whole operation shutdown. Thanks to google respecting amendment one of the U.S. constitution, we still have our right to freedom of speech and by God we're going to use it... God damnit. whew.
Moving along, Banned three is now available in limited quantities through Hereforkicks!, if you missed the trailer here it is; pick up a copy of the DVD here (over there on the right column dummy) and receive some HFK! buttons on the house.
Breaking news: shitty haircuts are the new pink--cool yet questionable... wait a minute, pink was never cool.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
"My dad used to do that when I was little"

As said, we got a hefty shipment of buttons in and they look pretty neato. What's that? How do you get 'em? You'd give your appendix for one? Well that won't be necessary; they're going to be three for a dollar plus 50 cents for the stamp if you're in the continental U.S. So you can keep your appendix, whatever it's good for, and even pin a button to it if you want. Beat that. You can order them by clicking here, there will also be a link on the sidebar shortly.
Monday, April 27, 2009
Chocolate milk: is it really true?

Of course it's true, how else would they make it? Which brings us to a deeper issue: where they get strawberry milk from. Anybody?
Buttons are being made as these fingers stroke the keyboard, so look forward to being blown away by those later this week... Actually they're fairly normal designs - I just couldn't pass up a photo opportunity. Until next time... have a
Friday, April 24, 2009
Banned: aspiring fortune 500 company

If you like Hereforkicks!, the latest installment of the Banned BMX video series (much of which has been filmed right here at 71N) is for you. Tomorrow -Sat. 25- marks the world premiere of Banned 3 at Mesh skatepark in Orlando FL, details of where and how to get the video will be posted as they develop. Check the trailer for it below.
Monday, April 20, 2009
Panties: all they're good for is taking off.

Look for some new site elements to be popping up, starting with the video feature added to the right column of the page broadcasting old and new HFK! videos for your viewing pleasure. That's about as exciting as two dogs doing it at a party; but not quite as exciting as two dogs doing it missionary at a party. You guys are sickos.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Good grief, they've done it again.

It's hard to follow up a hit like last post, really it is. So how about just a word of advice this week? If you're too drunk to stand, there's a good chance that the obstacle course otherwise known as the road might defeat you; now if you're defeated by said obstacle course, please know that you're probably not capable of decide whether or not it's a reasonable idea to get finger blasted for the camera. Ahh regret, one of life's simple pleasures.
Monday, April 6, 2009
Casselberry: You call it AIDS, I call it fun.

Now, if you weren't there, you have to understand that the english language does not possess words adequate to describe the events that took place yesterday. Luckily, pictures speak well; you can catch the tip of yesterday's iceberg by watching the following...
Casselberry trail jam | Light yourself on fire show. from Gregory Smee on Vimeo.
Saturday, April 4, 2009

Oh yea, come to 71N tomorrow (Sunday) to help support the house and get one of these bad boys, an instant classic, compliments of the chef.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
If it don't move, don't sit on it.

An ordinary grandpa wouldn't be found on the side of the road fiddling around with a rubber penis in-between his buttcheeks. Then again, the U.S. Marine corps. breeds some more than average kooks. "...if I learned one thing in my time serving the country, it's that a good man is hard to find..." Way to represent our country. Thanks uncle sam.
The wiping poll(that you can see two posts down)has come to a close, a thanks goes out to all participants-your vote counts... but an extra big praise goes to all of you front-to-backers out there, for your army is strong.