Friday, October 10, 2008

pee aye are tee why?

Sluggards and loafers alike, yet another glorious weekend lays before us.. What to do, what to do... Well next weekend, dude tour is coming into town. Who will give their all for a piece of glory? Who will rise above and emerge the victor? Who cares? Anyways, all sore losers can drink away their sorrow here -fo free.. Back to this weekend: this boy and this boy are having a birthday celebration on saturday night here, wow the internet is a dangerous thing.. said party is sure to include plenty of conversation, refreshments, and entertainment for guests. Wow neato!  Also, those of you west coasters, don't feel left out, you get free burritos.  Almost as good.   Look for plenty of obscene and detestable pictures up sooner than you can say yippie kay aye.

1 comment:

  1. Where's those penis shirts we voted on a while back???
