Thursday, August 6, 2009

Old crow, also known as crack crowcaine.

1000ml, with a street value of $8.95. A must in outdoor living room sessions.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Wow, I just realized I did two dick posts in a row, sorry about that, I just post whatever's in front of the camera lens. No more peens for a while...

Friday, July 31, 2009

Erik payne: A father, a hero.

Erik Payne isn't your average middle aged man but rather the embodiment of the word party, or maybe the words hideous train-wreck. Being the guitarist for Andrew WK, he has shown us that our mom was right when she said rock stars don't all live glamorous lives. Either way, Erik Payne is having more fun than any of us will at his age, or at our current age for that matter. And with such quotes as: "This is the smallest penis I've ever had" and "Fuck Andrew WK, I party way harder than that pussy", how could you hate him? So let's all take a quick reminder from Erik and have fun everyday, even if we don't remember it...

It's messy, but it feels better: July's period

We're going to take a little tangent from the scheduled post to bring you this month's Period. This one's short and sweet and guaranteed to make your mom block this site. Don't forget to come back at the beginning of the week, where the saga will continue... and while you're not forgetting, also don't forget to add us on twitter by clicking the link on the top right of the screen. k thnxbye!

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Kitchen counters: able storage or waste of square-footage?

What's that thing jutting out from the wall? No thanks. With the nation's economy in such a rut, we need to start conserving and creating space at every opportunity. Just don't try this at mom's place.

You remember that band Andrew W.K.? You know, this one? Well the lead guitarist of that band, who can be seen at 2:25 in this video (and various other times in the video smacking himself in the face with a pillow) has recently discovered our house, and likes to hang out there, a lot. Stay tuned to see what kind of things Erik Payne likes to do...