Thursday, April 30, 2009

"My dad used to do that when I was little"

As said, we got a hefty shipment of buttons in and they look pretty neato. What's that? How do you get 'em? You'd give your appendix for one? Well that won't be necessary; they're going to be three for a dollar plus 50 cents for the stamp if you're in the continental U.S. So you can keep your appendix, whatever it's good for, and even pin a button to it if you want. Beat that. You can order them by clicking here, there will also be a link on the sidebar shortly.

There's probably one hundred pictures taken for every one that gets posted, so ask and you shall receive. Back by poopular demand: it's chocolate milk.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Chocolate milk: is it really true?

Of course it's true, how else would they make it? Which brings us to a deeper issue: where they get strawberry milk from. Anybody?

Buttons are being made as these fingers stroke the keyboard, so look forward to being blown away by those later this week... Actually they're fairly normal designs - I just couldn't pass up a photo opportunity. Until next time... have a
good swine flu.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Banned: aspiring fortune 500 company

If you like Hereforkicks!, the latest installment of the Banned BMX video series (much of which has been filmed right here at 71N) is for you. Tomorrow -Sat. 25- marks the world premiere of Banned 3 at Mesh skatepark in Orlando FL, details of where and how to get the video will be posted as they develop. Check the trailer for it below.    

Monday, April 20, 2009

Panties: all they're good for is taking off.

Look for some new site elements to be popping up, starting with the video feature added to the right column of the page broadcasting old and new HFK! videos for your viewing pleasure. That's about as exciting as two dogs doing it at a party; but not quite as exciting as two dogs doing it missionary at a party. You guys are sickos.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Good grief, they've done it again.

It's hard to follow up a hit like last post, really it is. So how about just a word of advice this week? If you're too drunk to stand, there's a good chance that the obstacle course otherwise known as the road might defeat you; now if you're defeated by said obstacle course, please know that you're probably not capable of decide whether or not it's a reasonable idea to get finger blasted for the camera. Ahh regret, one of life's simple pleasures.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Casselberry: You call it AIDS, I call it fun.

Thanks to everyone that came out to 71N yesterday, sorry to everyone who didn't. It was fun fun fun, and nobody's daddy even took their T-bird away. Thank heavens. Congratulations to Light yourself on fire for playing their first ever show in which someone actually lit themselves on fire at.

Now, if you weren't there, you have to understand that the english language does not possess words adequate to describe the events that took place yesterday. Luckily, pictures speak well; you can catch the tip of yesterday's iceberg by watching the following...

Here's to another ten years of good times at 71.

Casselberry trail jam | Light yourself on fire show. from Gregory Smee on Vimeo.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Completely relevent to the picture at left, a Kate interview is coming. Just as soon as she cooperates. Is it April fools day? I think not.

Oh yea, come to 71N tomorrow (Sunday) to help support the house and get one of these bad boys, an instant classic, compliments of the chef.